Post Covid Marketing

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The world is not the same anymore. With no two group of experts agreeing on the timeline for the world to overcome this pandemic, a date for return to pre-Covid19 normalcy is currently anybody’s guess. Indeed, the world may never completely return to that level of normalcy. The best strategy for businesses and people is to adapt to this new world order and get used to the new normal.

The predictions and calculations for businesses, national economies and the world economy at large had to be thrown in to the recycle bin, following the biggest Black Swan event of this century, Covid-19, occurred. A Black Swan is an event that is highly unlikely to happen but would have severe consequences if it happened.

In this pandemic era, survival is the first mantra of all business houses. With new challenges comes new opportunities. With new systems comes new strategies. Its time for businesses to reinvent how they operate, to adapt to the new environment. And perhaps it is in the marketing division of your business, the biggest change has to come about.

Historically, businesses that have chosen a more progressive strategy of refocusing spending during a recession have outperformed businesses that made sweeping cuts, according to studies that analysed recent recessions1. The key here is to realign your marketing strategy to better fit in with the new reality.

How the world works has changed so drastically and dramatically that the evolution to adapt to it is still an ongoing process. What we know for sure is that the history of this decade will be written as two eras: Pre Covid and Post Covid.

The coronavirus is forcing enterprises to rethink the way they do business and dust-off policies for security, business continuity, and remote workers. Chances are that some of these efforts will stick. The way a company works will change, the way the market works will change and the way people think, decide and consume will change. So why not change how your brand look?

Like your consumers getting make overs, maybe it’s time for your brand to get a Make Over.

Don’t Panic.
Be a positive brand.
No time for downtime
Be visible.
Stay Relevant.
Be Online.
Connect with existing customers.
Improve your digital presence
Special Offers
Localise your digital presence
Localise your content
Pivot while keeping customers

The economy isn’t stopping, Wulff said. Homeowners still need home service providers. People still need goods and services. Money is still changing hands and consumers are still relying on Google to find people to do business with.

Tell them you had to stop a service to ensure the safety of customers, or tell them that a product is unavailable temporarily but you are working over time to bring it back.

1 – (McKinsey 2002, Harvard BR 2010)

While people are dreaming of returning to restaurants and bars after being confined to their own kitchen following the coronavirus outbreak, some experts say that the pandemic will create long-term changes in the industry.

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